The Georgia Environmental Finance Authority announced the pilot launch of its High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program (HEEHR) and Home Energy Performance-Based Whole-House Rebates Program (HOMES). Georgia's initial pilot launch allows eligible households to participate through a state-approved contractor network. Retail and do-it-yourself pathways will be available when the programs fully launch in 2025.
Households of all incomes are eligible to participate in Georgia’s HOMES program, with maximum incentives of up to 98 percent of project costs or $16,000 available for households earning less than 80 percent Area Median Income (AMI) and maximum incentives of up to 50 percent of project costs or $4,000 available for those earning at or above 80 percent AMI. HEEHR allows for100 percent of project costs for households below 80 percent AMI and up to 50 percent of project costs for households between 80 percent and 150 percent AMI.
For more information on Georgia’s Home Energy Rebates programs, including consumer protection plans, program eligibility, and more information, visit the Georgia Home Energy Rebates website. The NASEO Residential Energy Efficiency Task Force hosts regular meetings featuring on the implementation of the Home Energy Performance-Based Whole-House Rebates and High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate programs. Visit the NASEO Events page to register for upcoming meetings.