New Hampshire Department of Energy Allocates State Energy Program Funds Toward Energy Savings Improvements for State-Owned Buildings

Source: NASEO

The New Hampshire Department of Energy (NHDOE) and New Hampshire Department of Administrative Services (DAS) will jointly administer $180,000 in sub-grants from the U.S. State Energy Program (SEP) toward education, outreach programs, and building improvements to promote energy conservation and energy efficiency strategies in state-owned buildings. According to a request submitted to New Hampshire’s Executive Council  to formalize a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NHDOE and DAS, funding-eligible projects would include the installation of sub-meters for accurate facility energy or water use benchmarking, building automation measures, energy audits, as well as insulation, lighting, and HVAC systems improvements. The State of New Hampshire owns and operates over 700 buildings and has reduced fossil fuel use intensity in state-owned and leased buildings and transportation facilities by 17.3 percent between 2005 and 2022 to meet statewide energy consumption reduction targets. These improvements have also avoided more than $50 million in energy costs during the same period. There remains, however, more than $30 million in potential energy savings through facility energy efficiency improvements across the state-owned building portfolio. This provision of SEP funding, along with continued efforts from DAS to expand access to energy savings performance contracts, energy audits, and retro-commissioning, can help state agencies and taxpayers realize these savings.