NASEO, NARUC, and NASUCA Southeast Regional Energy Equity Roundtable

June 20-21, 2024
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

NASEO, NARUC, and NASUCA invite State Energy Offices, Public Utility Commissions, and consumer advocates from the Southeast region to participate in this 1½ -day, in-person regional workshop. This event will be the fifth in a series of regional roundtables to explore electricity planning and policy through an equity lens. This in-person workshop will be an opportunity to explore how equity is being incorporated into state-level programmatic, regulatory, and policy initiatives; identify state and regional challenges and opportunities; and support your development of an action plan to address equity issues related to a particular electricity focused topic. For registration and hotel information, please click on this registration link. Travel support will be available upon request. Please contact Catherine Reed at or Grace Lowe at for any questions or more information.