Engaging with Tribal Nations and Local Communities on Clean Hydrogen

January 26, 2023, 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

As states across the country engage in clean hydrogen road-mapping and planning, regional collaboration and partnerships, as well as project development, it will be crucial to understand how to work effectively with Tribes and local communities. Seeking input from and partnering with Tribes and community-based organizations to receive feedback and address concerns on potential clean hydrogen projects, policies, and programs early on can enhance these and increase buy-in. This webinar will be an opportunity to hear about how states can work with Tribes to identify regional pathways and end-uses for clean hydrogen. It will also include speakers who will highlight strategies for states to better engage with and address concerns (including economic and safety) of both Tribes and local communities. Please register here and reach out to Kelsey Jones (kjones@naseo.org) with any questions.